Epic 25 Followers Giveaway!

Woo-hoo! This blog now has 26 followers! Thank you! So as I promised, I am doing a giveaway for Rare Round Glasses and Rare Head Flower.

RIM_Round-Glasses and Screenshot_2

How to enter:

1. Follow(if you haven’t already)

2. Share this post

3. Ask at least 5 people to join(you can comment on other peoples blog and say something like ‘Check out this awesome giveaway >link to this post<‘)

4. Comment 25 Followers

5. Wait

I will put all the entries in a randomnizer so it will be fair. The winner will have 2 hours to claim, and then it will go on to the second person who will have the same amount of time to claim, and so on. It will end on May 25th, 2015 . All entries are due by May 24th, 2015. Good luck!